Chest Workout
Though the chest can be construed as consisting of a single muscle mass, workouts should be done with the notion in mind that this particular body part actually consists of three different sections. The three parts are the upper section, the middle section, and the lower section.
To work out the upper section, the best results are achieved when performed on an incline bench that lies at an angle of between 30 to 45 degrees. Some of the popular upper section workouts include the incline dumbbell flyes, the incline dumbbell bench press and the incline barbell bench press.
For best results on the chest’s middle section, the workout should be performed on a flat lying bench. Flat dumbbell flyes, flat barbell bench press, and the dumbbell bench press are some of the popular middle section exercises.
Unlike the upper section, the lower section is best worked out on a decline bench. The bench should be lying at an angle of between 30 and 45 degrees. Some of the lower section chest exercises that are highly effective include the decline dumbbell bench press, the decline barbell bench press and the decline dumbbell flyes.
Some of the chest exercises that are most common and most popular include the cable crossover, the dumbbell flyes, the bench press and the dumbbell press. Below are three workouts worth trying out not only because they add variety to your workout routine, but also they bring added benefits.
Cable Crossovers
This workout involves adjusting the pulleys to a level of your choice in order to target all the three sections of the chest. The body and arms should be kept immobile as you do the exercise with the shoulders. This helps in maximising contraction and the stretching of the muscles.
Push-up with Weights
This chest workout is done by staying in a regular push-up position with your body parallel to the ground and supporting your body with your hands and tip of your feet. The distance between your hands should be approximately six inches. Normal push-ups should be performed but with a weight placed on your back.
This routine is performed by the individual holding a pair of dumbbells in a standard grip while lying on their back. It involves lowering the dumbbells to the outer chest and making a rotation of 180 degrees as you push the dumbbell to the initial position.
Before starting any workout aimed at the chest muscles, it is important to ensure that you are in perfect form. This is to avoid injury or frustrations that come from failing to make progress. You also have to be on the right diet – one that contributes to the development of body mass while providing enough energy to avoid the body having to burn body mass to generate energy.
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